
Nutrition Services, funded through Central Illinois Agency on Aging Inc. include congregate meals and home-delivered meals. These services are funded under Title III-C. (Older Americans Act Section 331)

Congregate Meal Services

Provision of nutritious meals, to an eligible client or other eligible participants at a nutrition site, senior center or some other congregate setting.

Eligible individuals (include but not limited to):

  • Age 60 or older and the spouse of those individuals regardless of age, if the eligible spouse is or has been an active participant in the program.
  • Disabled individuals who have not attained 60 years of age, but who reside in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly at which congregate nutrition services are provided.

Complies with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Agriculture and provides each participant with a minimum of 33-1/3percent of the current daily Dietary Reference Intakes as established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.

Home Delivered Meal Service

Home-delivered meal services are defined as the provision, to an eligible client or other eligible participants at the client’s place of residence.      Eligible individuals (include but are not limited to):

  • Age 60 or older who are frail and/or home-bound by reason of illness, incapacitating disability as defined in OAA Section 102(13), or are isolated. The spouse of the older person, regardless of age or condition, may receive a home-delivered meal if, according to the criteria determined by the Area Agency, receipt of the meal is in the best interest of the home-bound older person.

Voluntary Contributions

  • Each project providing nutrition services may solicit voluntary contributions for meals, taking into consideration the income ranges of eligible individuals in local communities and other sources of income of the project.
  • An eligible older person may not be denied service because the older person cannot or will not contribute to the cost of the service.

All menus are designed and approved by a licensed dietitian and comply with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans.