Please "Touch A Heart"
Many times in our communities there are individuals who are forgotten during the holiday season. Central Illinois Agency on Aging, Inc. has undertaken the following efforts to bring some holiday cheer to individuals who might otherwise be overlooked.
If you would like to help CIAA “Touch A Heart” this holiday season by making a donation please indicate the amount of the donation. Donation amount $_______ . Donations can be mailed to CIAA at 700 Hamilton Blvd, Peoria, IL 61603.
To donate by credit card please call Susan Needham at (309) 674-2071 or log on to our website to donate by credit card or PayPal at
If you wish your donation to go to a specific program(s) indicate the appropriate program(s) below.
Holiday Gifts for Seniors & Disabled Individuals
- Gifts are provided for individuals who would otherwise not receive a gift.
Possible Gift Suggestions
- Gloves, hats, scarves
- Socks, non-skid slipper socks
- Large Print Books, Playing Cards, Puzzles, Calendars
- Blanket, afghan, throw, comforter
- Forever Postage Stamps & box of greeting cards
- Washcloth, Hand and Bath Towel-set
- Fruit basket, candy, nuts, microwave popcorn Possible Gift Suggestions
- Assistive Devices (Jar opener, Magnifying Glass, Reacher/Grabber, Night Lights [automatic on/off]
- Bed Pillows & Pillow Cases (Standard)
- Pot Holders, dish towels, Kitchen utensils with built-up handles for easy use
- Personal care items (soaps, shampoo, conditioner, shaving lotion, razors, toothbrushes, lotion, and tissues
New Year’s Day Home-Delivered Meal Program
- Home-delivered meals are prepared and delivered to the area
home-bound senior on New Year’s Day, since this is a day when
other programs are not providing meals.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- Provides a holiday party for Grandparents Raising
Grandchildren and Relatives as Parents program participants.