About Us
sCentral Illinois Agency on Aging, Inc. (CIAA) is an independent, 501 (c) (3), not-for-profit organization with a 49-year history of providing service to older persons and their caregivers. CIAA’s guiding principles are that we:
- Believe in the independence and dignity of all persons;
- Empower each person to exert control over his or her own life;
- Increase access to needed services of quality;
- Target services to older persons with the greatest economic and social need;
- Develop services based on the needs or priorities of older persons, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers.
With 101,481 persons age 60 years and older in 2021 living in our six-county service area of Fulton, Marshall, Peoria, Stark, Tazewell, and Woodford counties, CIAA strives to serve persons of all ages, income, abilities, and their caregivers through planning, coordination, program development, advocacy, and direct service provision, administrative and administratively-related direct service activities.
Area Agencies on Aging are authorized by the Older Americans Act to provide services to older persons and their caregivers. CIAA is one of 13 in Illinois and 622 throughout the country. Area Agencies on Aging in Illinois are authorized by the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended, and the Illinois Act on Aging, and have service areas that cover the entire state.
CIAA’s Board of Directors is comprised of three representative members from each county and ex-officio members as determined. The Board makes decisions on policy, programs, and funding. The Area Advisory Council membership is based on the total population by county as outlined in the Bylaws. The Council advises the agency on the issues and needs of persons of all ages, incomes and abilities and their caregivers and on national issues that may affect them.